Destination 225° Military Pathway

What is the Destination 225° Program?

The Destination 225°  program offers pathways to individuals who would like to pursue a career in aviation with Southwest Airlines.®

Currently, there are four pathways in the Destination 225° program:

  1. Military
  2. Cadet
  3. University
  4. Employee

I’m a current or prior service member; what does the program look like?

We recognize the diverse skill sets and backgrounds of our military members. For your specific military experience, a BMA pilot training program is available.

Military Fixed Wing

The fixed-wing aviator category includes current and former helicopter pilots who may have transitioned from helicopters to fixed-wing aircraft, such as T-6s and C-12s.

Navy/Marine/Coast Guard/Air Force Rotorcraft

Air Force, Navy, Marine, and Marine Corps helicopter pilots who only received fixed-wing training during primary flight school fall into this category.

Army Rotorcraft

Former or current service members who served as ARMY helicopter pilots only and did not transition to the C-12 or other fixed-wing platforms during their time in service fall into this category.

Do the BMA offerings cover all of these situations?

Absolutely. Part of this training includes either a non-FAA refresher program or initial classroom and simulator training for the required FAA ATP CTP Certificate. BMA regularly offers ATP CTP training.